Privacy Protection

Scope of Application

We value your privacy and have therefore formulated a privacy protection policy. Please take a moment to understand the following information. This privacy policy applies to all websites under the domain, hereinafter referred to as Check Cosmetics.

When you submit feedback/suggestions on the Check Cosmetics website, we will only ask for your email, excluding information such as your name, address, and identity. We collect data from your website browsing history, including your IP address, the time you spent on the website, and the pages you viewed.

Data Usage

Check Cosmetics uses member data for the following purposes: registration confirmation, customization of advertisements and webpage content for you, completion of your query process, and notification of special activities.

This site uses browsing data to understand user behavior. This information will not be used for any other purposes.

As this site uses Google as an ad provider, cookies are used to serve ads. The purpose is to deliver relevant ads to users while they browse this website and other sites. If you choose not to use these cookies, you can refer to Google's ad and content network privacy policy.

Data Confidentiality Policy

Check Cosmetics will not sell or lend your personal identification information to anyone, except in the following special circumstances:

If a judicial authority requires this website to disclose specific data for public safety, we will cooperate as necessary in accordance with the legal procedures of the judicial authority and considering the safety of all users.

If someone blatantly violates the terms of service of this site, or may harm or interfere with other users of this site or the rights of third parties, if this site has reason to believe that disclosing this data is necessary to identify, contact, or take legal action against such individuals, the site may disclose the personal information of the user.